

ARVAC’s ability to provide services to the community comes from donations. There are a variety of ways to show your support, and every penny counts!

Kroger Community Rewards

Select ARVAC as the organization linked to your plus card

Kroger Community Rewards logo large

  1. Sign in to your Kroger account at
  2. Go to Kroger Community Awards under the “Save” tab.
  3. Follow the instructions, selecting “ARVAC” as the organization to support.


Amazon Smile

Select ARVAC as the organization linked to your prime account.

Amazon Smile logo color

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Hover over “Supporting:” under the search bar.
  3. Click “Change”.
  4. Search for “Arvac, Inc” under “Pick your own charitable organization”.



Donate directly to ARVAC.

PayPal logo large

Support ARVAC

There are many ways to support ARVAC. Help us continue our mission to eliminate poverty in the River Valley. All donations are helpful.

Kroger Community Rewards logo
Amazon Smile
PayPal Donate